1985: Start in Dortmund

We have been developing IT-supported software systems for efficient information management for over thirty years. Since our foundation in 1985 in Dortmund (at that time still under the name A.I.S. Angewandte Informations-Systeme GmbH) a lot has changed. Today, we are one of the leading manufacturers of enterprise content management solutions.

We have expanded our portfolio to the point that we are no longer a pure specialist for archiving and classic document management, but have long since had a comprehensive product range and are renowned not only in Germany but also internationally.

1999: Patents and products

1999 was the year: We proudly presented the first version of our ECM system windream and received the patent for the technological basis of the product, the Virtual Filesystem Technology (VFS).

In autumn 1999 we presented the network-enabled version 2.0 of windream for the first time at the DMS Expo in Essen. Since then we have continuously been developing windream with great success. After the market launch of version 3.0 at the CeBIT 2001, windream emerged as the winner of the future competition of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

2001: Product and company name become one

In December 2001 we turned the product name into the company name - A.I.S. GmbH became windream GmbH.

With the release of version 4.0 in the summer of 2007, the functional range of the windream ECM-system was significantly extended again: a new rights concept, the integration of a hierarchical storage management and the possibility of operation in distributed server environments.

2020: windream releases seventh generation of ECM-software with the innovative windream Dynamic Workspace

In 2020, we have launched windream 7.0, the seventh generation of our ECM software suite. Accompanying version 7.0, we have released the windream Dynamic Workspace, which is characterised by an equally innovative and intuitive approach. This is because windream Dynamic Workspace links documents and contents with processes and specialist applications and unites all this under a single interface. windream Dynamic Workspace prioritises the "mobile first" idea by allowing the Workspace to be used on a wide variety of end devices, including tablets and smartphones.

To windream Dynamic Workspace

2022: The dataglobal Group

At the start of 2022, the  dataglobal GmbH and windream GmbH initially merged to form the Content Services Group. Just a few months later, eleven cyber security GmbH joined as the third member. The name change finally took place in 2023 – the Content Services Group became the dataglobal Group. The aim of this merger is to drive joint growth, strengthen the respective market position and expand synergies.

More about the dataglobal Group

History - windream GmbH

windream today

windream GmbH currently employs 100 people - and more and more are being added to its workforce. More than 250 cooperation partners and solution providers support us in sales worldwide. To date, our partners have developed more than 100 windream solutions, ranging from various industry-specific applications to modern software tools, with which typical tasks in the field of digitization and digital office can be fully automated.

Numerous integrations in third-party products

Numerous integrations in third-party products round off the portfolio. These include connections to ERP, merchandise management and financial accounting systems as well as seamless integrations in knowledge management, groupware and imaging/data capturing solutions.

And windream remains on a growth course: Since the change of name to windream GmbH, we have been able to increase our turnover and number of customers annually. In addition, windream has been the winner of the "Enterprise Content Management" study of the Würzburg Business Application Research Center (BARC study ECM) four times in a row since 2003 and was often able to achieve a score of 100 percent in the different evaluation categories.

Always there for you

We offer companies working with the windream ECM-System a competent service hotline with short response times. In addition, we impart basic knowledge in the handling of the windream system as well as advanced knowledge of the administrative functions in different training blocks. The different training units are aimed at windream users as well as system administrators.


Our clientele includes many national and international corporations such as Bilfinger Noell GmbH, the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, Deutz AG and Koenig & Bauer AG

Do you have any questions?

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