Showact and moderator for the windreamCON are fix
Hennes Bender: The German TV and Comedy Legend
On stage, stand-up pioneer Hennes Bender will entertain you with amusing stories and razor-sharp (mostly not entirely serious) observations. Together with companions such as Atze Schröder, the comedian is one of the longest-serving figures in German stand-up comedy. Many of you know Hennes Bender from his appearances in the legendary Quatsch Comedy Club and from countless other TV formats in which he has been a regular guest for over 20 years.
![Hennes Bender Keynote bei der windreamCON 2023 News article - dataglobal Bochum GmbH](/fileadmin/user_upload/user_upload/Aktuelles/News/2023-09-25-HennesBender1064x640-tiny.png)
Michael Wurst: VfL stadium announcer guides you through the event
We have engaged none other than the cult stadium announcer of VfL Bochum as the moderator: The Bochum veteran Michael Wurst will guide you through the windreamCON programme in an entertaining and relaxed manner.
![Michael Wurst als Moderator auf der windreamCON News article - dataglobal Bochum GmbH](/fileadmin/user_upload/user_upload/Aktuelles/News/2023-09-25-MichaelWurst-1064x640-tiny.png)