windreamCON 2023 offers a multi-faceted program

Bochum. windream GmbH will again present a comprehensive agenda for this year's windreamCON on November 8, 2023. Thus, the speakers will look at the further development of the proven Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system windream as well as at the future solution portfolio. Furthermore, the participants will learn which new perspectives will result from windream GmbH joining the dataglobal Group. Further topics of the program include deep insights into specific solutions, the use of windream in the Microsoft Cloud and best practices. Furthermore, the participants can look forward to an entertaining show act with the German TV and comedy legend Hennes Bender. In line with the venue, the Vonovia Ruhrstadion in Bochum, windream GmbH was able to win Michael Wurst, the cult stadium announcer of the VfL Bochum, as a moderator who will lead through the program in an amusing way. The windreamCON will take place as a hybrid event.

Seventh edition of windreamCON sets the course for the future

"This year's windreamCON is already our seventh major conference for the efficient management of company-relevant documents, information and business processes", says Tim Hillig, Head of Sales at windream GmbH, and explains: "Under the motto 'Be a Digital Champion - First Class Positioned with windream', it offers a wealth of information as well as exciting insights into the latest windream developments and solutions which support companies in becoming digital pioneers. Participants will get manifold inspirations on how to optimize their processes, increase their efficiency and reduce costs.“

One of the highlights of windreamCON will be the presentation of Dr. Christian Uhl, CEO of the dataglobal Group, and Ulrich Jansen, VP Technology. The two speakers will discuss the merger of the three companies dataglobal, eleven cyber security and windream under the umbrella brand dataglobal Group and will show the opportunities and possibilities this will bring. In addition, windream users will learn how they can reliably protect themselves against spam, phishing and malware with eleven's e-mail security solution eXpurgate. Another highlight will be the outlook of Werner Schlieper, Head of Product Management at windream GmbH, on the windream Roadmap 2023+. He will also specifically address the promising topic of "ECM in the Cloud". Afterwards, the speakers will present the new windream license model, which includes service packages with a higher added value as well as an improved service offer.

After the show act of Hennes Bender, the "Pottfather of German Comedy", presentations on the new, AI-based windream search, on web-based work with Microsoft Office files in the windream Dynamic Workspace and on the use of windream in the Microsoft Cloud will follow in the afternoon. In parallel, there will be presentations on the practical use of electronic signatures in document management and on windream's extended business process management solution for digital document capture as well as for processing invoices and requisitions.

At the end of the event, windream will raffle a jersey signed by all VfL-Bochum players among all participants.

Exclusive Pre-Event

On the eve of windreamCON 2023, windream GmbH invites to an exclusive pre-event, which will also take place at the Vonovia Ruhrstadion. With delicious Dönninghaus curry sausage (also vegan) and freshly tapped Fiege, the participants will be able to get in the mood for the event and already exchange ideas with each other. As a highlight, there will be an exclusive beer tasting of the traditional Bochum brewery Moritz Fiege.

Further information about windreamCON and free registration
 Go to windreamCON         

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Patrick Plenz marketing and corporate communications

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